Sister Mary Carboy, SSJ
Sister Mary has been a Spiritual Director at St. Raphaela Center for many years. Her internship program in spiritual direction began with the Sisters of St. Joseph’s Center for Spirituality in Chestnut Hill, PA. She earned her undergraduate degree in Education at Chestnut Hill College and a Master’s of Arts in Spirituality from Duquesne. She has completed the spiritual direction program at the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA. As a Sister of St. Joseph, Mary has served as directress of novices and as a congregational area delegate for her community. She has directed the 30-day and 8-day retreats, and has conducted workshops over the years on prayer and discernment.
Upcoming Programs by Sister Mary Carboy, SSJ
Summer Directed Retreat I 2025
Also With Buff Barnes, Sister Pat Mensing, SSJ, Sr. Mary Elizabeth Looby, GNSH, Sister Jean Marie Pisula, CSFN, Sister Margaret Scott, aci, Fr. Joe Schad, SJ and Sister Carmen Cabrejos, ACJ
A directed retreat at St. Raphaela Center is a time of quiet in order to enhance attentiveness to God’s voice within you and in your life. A reverent silence is maintained throughout the Retreat Center at all times including during meals. Each retreatant meets with his/her director daily for approximately 45 minutes. Each director possesses […]