Lindsey Ranstrom, NBC-HWC

Lindsey is a Catholic vocation coach and parish ministry professional. With extensive experience in the career, wellness, and ministry sectors, as well as over a decade in education, she assists individuals in moving their life toward one of purpose and joy. She does this by helping each person identify their goals and aspirations as it aligns with where God is calling them. By using a variety of different modalities, Lindsey meets each person where they are on their journey of personal and professional development, while taking into account what God has made them for. Lindsey is passionate about making the act of discernment approachable to each person and fostering excitement in the co-creation of a fulfilling life.

Lindsey holds the following credentials:

  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
  • Certified Myers-Briggs Practitioner
  • Global Career Development Facilitator
  • Certified Professional Resume Writer
  • Certified 200 Hour Yoga Instructor
  • Young Living Essential Oil Representative