Holly Sairsingh

Day 19: December 17
Reflector: Holly Sairsingh
Image Title: Generations of Waiting
My husband bought this set of wooden turtles for me in Siberia, many years before we were married and, eventually, had two children of our own. When I look at this turtle family – a reflection of my own little family – I am reminded of the people who went before me generations ago, sacrificing safety and comfort, with patience and hope, to make a better life for their own families. The gospel reading today (Matthew 1:1-7) reminds us that it was through many individuals and generations, with years of waiting and patience, that Christ entered into earth to fulfill the greatest of all promises – the hope of salvation through His death and resurrection. This advent season, may you be filled with gratitude for our Lord and His promises to us, as we wait patiently for Christ’s birth.
Holly is a psychotherapist and mom of two living in Philadelphia, PA. Raised as a missionary kid in Moscow, Russia, she is passionate about travel, meeting new people from all over the world, and discovering new ways to serve her family, friends, and community. Holly is connected with our Center through spiritual direction.