Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life

Package Dates

  • $600.00 to $1,600.00 – Payment of full amount
  • $50.00 to $1,600.00 – Partial payment (completion of full amount to be paid over time)

The 19th Annotation

This retreat follows the entire 30-day Spiritual Exercises retreat, but is adapted to be made during “daily life”, that is, without taking a month off of work or studies or family.  Retreatants meet once a week with their spiritual director to review their prayer and to receive material for the following week of prayer.  It is expected that the retreatant would set aside 1 hour of prayer a day, plus 15 minutes for the examen at the end of the day.  While it is usually better to begin this retreat in the early fall so that the retreat follows the flow of the liturgical year, a 19th annotation retreat may be begun at any time during the year.  This can be determined with your spiritual director.

A sliding payment scale is available.

Contact Sr. Lyan Tri, acj by email (ltri@straphaelacenter.org) or phone (610-642-5715) for more information if you are interested in the 19th Annotation.