Spiritual Directors Circle: The Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool

With Rasheeda Hastings

October 8, 2024

  • $45.00 – Program Price with Lunch
  • $35.00 – Program Price (bring your own lunch)

The Spiritual Directors Circle of the Philadelphia Region presents,

The Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool: Walking the Labyrinth and Introducing the Experience to Those We Companion

The labyrinth is a sacred container where we can quiet the outside noise, going inside to what touches us in spirit.  Whether used as meditation in motion, walking with an intention, or expressing a question or a prayer, the labyrinth holds us as we Release, Receive, and Reflect.  As we navigate the twists and turns–a metaphor for the journey of life–we listen for what comes up in order to tend to ourselves and our spirit.  There are no requirements or exceptions.  Just stay on the path. 

Join us for this special time in our community of spiritual directors for a presentation by Rasheeda Hastings at St. Raphaela Center (616 Coopertown Road, Haverford, PA 19041), as we walk their beautiful labyrinth, which is located outside, just in front of the House of Hope.  Dress according to the weather (there will be handheld labyrinths for those who do not wish to physically walk).  We will have time for quiet reflection and then sharing within our whole group before we depart.   

Event Details

Schedule for the day:

9:00 am – 11:30 am: St. Raphaela’s welcomes all for optional contemplative time (arrive at any time)
11:30 am – 1:00 pm: “Catch up” time followed by lunch at noon
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Presentation beginning in the chapel and then moving to St. Raphaela’s labyrinth, reconvening in the chapel for group sharing and closing


  • $45 includes lunch
  • $35 if you are bringing your own lunch

About the Spiritual Director

Rasheeda Hastings

Rasheeda Hastings is a Certified Spiritual Director who resides in Philadelphia, where she works with Cranaleith Spiritual Center as Community Engagement Liaison.  Rasheeda was intrigued with the labyrinth at an early age.  As an adult, when navigating through challenging times in life, she returned to the labyrinth as a calming meditation in motion. The labyrinth […]

Learn more about Rasheeda Hastings

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