
Holy Saturday Desert Day

April 19, 2025

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1 Price

Sold Out
$15.00 – Program Price

2 People in your group

Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*

3 Optional Items

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4 Retreatant Information

Please note that the typical arrival time for overnight retreats is between 4-5:30pm (Dinner is served at 5:30). Any arrival earlier than that time is subject to approval, and any meals prior to dinner carry an additional charge (choose the appropriate option above). We do not receive arrivals later than 7:30pm.
As part of the consideration for the use of the facilities of St. Raphaela Center at 616 Coopertown Rd, Haverford, PA 19041, and intending hereby to be legally bound, the undersigned organization and/or individuals (as indicated), hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless St. Raphaela Center and the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and all of their members, officers, directors, employees, volunteers and agents from and against all claims, suits, actions, demands, charges, obligations, costs and expenses, or financial responsibility, including attorney’s fees and costs of suit, to which it or they may ever be threatened, exposed or found liable arising from or out of the use of the said facilities, or arising out of incident, accident, or injury occurring while the individual or group is utilizing St. Raphaela Center, including but not limited to actions regarding our health and safety guidelines in relation to COVID-19, or any of the acts or omissions of the undersigned or their agents, employees or members. This obligation of undersigned to hold harmless, defend and indemnify shall begin immediately upon notice of a claim and shall not require any actual loss to be suffered by the parties indemnified.

5 Donate

Please enter your donation amounts below
St. Raphaela Center
Donations contribute to the maintenance of the Center and its mission.
Retreatant Scholarship Program
Provide the opportunity for others to experience a retreat for whom this would otherwise not be possible.
Add 3% to my total amount to help cover the bank fee for processing my credit card.

6 Payment

If you prefer to pay later or to pay by check, please adjust the payment option by clicking on the arrow at the right corner of the "Choose Payment Option" box.
You will be asked for payment details in the next step. Click the button below to continue.